The Melbourne Campaigner’s Network is a monthly gathering for campaigners, activists, and organisers to discuss ideas, exchange resources and discover new approaches to social change.
Introduction to Story-based Strategy
The October meeting is a report-back by Holly Hammond, Director of Plan to Win, on the Advanced Story-based Strategy Practitioners Training run by smartMeme in Oakland, California in June.
The way issues are framed and communicated – the battle of the story – can be integral to the overall success of a campaign. US strategists smartMeme have developed a suite of tools that campaigners can use to:
- analyse the prevalent cultural stories relevant to the issues they are working on;
- uncover the underlying assumptions behind these stories;
- unlock creativity in campaign strategising; and
- develop compelling campaign narratives and memes to spread the campaign’s message virally.
This introductory session will include participatory activities to start participants sharing stories, explore the difference between ‘truth’ and ‘meaning’, and the implications for campaigns and communications strategies.
Location: The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne
Time: 6.30pm til 8pm. Light snacks provided from 6pm.
Date: Thursday 6 October.
Further info: Holly Hammond – call 0421 508 446 or via the Contact page.
Twitter: #melbcamp @Holly_PTW
There will be a shared dinner happening at a restaurant nearby from 8ish. No problem if you want to bring some food of your own along to eat during the workshop.