Ross House Training Day 
Effective Action for Environmental and Social Justice
You’ve got the passion, but have you got the power?
On Saturday 30 June 2012, get skilled up for maximum effect at Ross House with back to back workshops. Each 90 minute workshop is $10 with all proceeds going back into the program. There are also chances to network, share your campaign and catch up on what’s happening in Melbourne.
Take your pick from the following concurrent sessions:
10am to 11.30am
- Introduction to Campaigning – Holly Hammond (Director of Plan to Win)
- Group Dynamics and Facilitation – Nicola Paris (The Last Stand)
- Community Engagement – Aidan Ricketts (Lecturer, School of Law & Justice, Southern Cross University, author of The Activists’ Handbook)
11.45am to 1.15pm
- Campaign Planning and Strategy – Aidan Ricketts (Lecturer, School of Law & Justice, Southern Cross University, author of The Activists’ Handbook)
- Direct Action – Shaun Murray (Friends of the Earth) & Nicola Paris (The Last Stand)
1.30pm to 2.30pm
- Share Your Campaign in 5 Mins – FREE
2.45pm to 4.14pm
- Digital Campaigning – Tim Norton (Digital Campaigns Coordinator, Oxfam)
- Activist Legal Rights – Danya Jacobs (Lawyers for Forests)
- Media – Aidan Ricketts (Lecturer, School of Law & Justice, Southern Cross University, author of The Activists’ Handbook)
4.30pm to 6pm
- Sustaining the movement and self care – Sarah Harmer (Counselor and Women’s Advocate) – FREE
Places are limited. Registration is essential. Register online at
Here’s a little more info about the session I’m running –
Introduction to Campaigning.
Effective campaigns set the agenda on a social or environmental issue and build momentum for change.
This workshop will provide an overview of approaches to social change and discuss when and why a campaign would be the right fit. What are the elements of an effective campaign? Should you join an existing campaign or start a new one? And if so, how do you get started?
This workshop is a great prequel to the workshop on Campaign Planning and Strategy.
Hope to see you there! Many thanks to Ross House for making this happen.