The Effective Action Training Day at Ross House on Saturday 30 June went off!

Thanks so much to Sarah Day and the other Ross House folks for organising such an informative and engaging day. I ran an Introduction to Campaigning workshop, and was pleased to be part of the programme with fellow travelling folks Nicola Paris, Tim Norton, Aidan Ricketts and more.

If you missed the day these resources will give you a taste of what was covered. If you were there – maybe you’re itching for more! Check these out, and share your comments and queries below.

Introduction to Campaigning

  • This article makes a great case for campaigns: Campaigning for Social Change: beyond just protesting for it! by Daniel Hunter, Training for Change. Daniel is an excellent US activist educator who has recently written a book, using his experiences of campaigning as a way for others to learn. Help get the book published by signing up here.
  • Some great insights into campaigning and community organising from the 100% Renewables Campaign – a case study shared at Melbourne Campaigners’ Network.

Campaign Strategy

Facilitation and Group Process

Nonviolent Action

Online Campaigning

  • Two articles from Tim Norton, Oxfam Digital Campaigns Coordinator, from his presentation to Melbourne Campaigners’ Network last year.
  • Formulating a Digital Campaign, Tim’s slides from the training day.

Activist legal rights

Sustaining the Movement & Self-care

New to activism?

  • Check out these tips!

Want more?

  • A great collection of assorted resources collated by US activist educator Johua Kahn Russell.
  • Buy The Activists’ Handbook by Aidan Ricketts. Melbourne folks can buy the book direct from Plan to Win and skip the postage.


Hungry for more activist training? Get in touch, watch this space, and come along to the Melbourne Campaigners’ Network