Oct 14, 2014 | Community Organising, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
The October Melbourne Campaigners Network session focused on Stepping People Up: Pathways for strong campaigns. Naomi Blackburn, MCN co-convenor and Director of Power in Numbers, facilitated a well attended, thought provoking session. There was plenty of...
Sep 23, 2014 | Case Study, Climate, Data & Digital, Movement Building
The international People’s Climate Mobilisation has involved inspiring large rallies around the world – including an epic 310,000 in New York City. In Melbourne around 30,000 turned out on Sunday 21 September, a beautiful spring day. Four volunteers undertook a survey...
Sep 17, 2014 | Community Organising, Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network
Pathways for strong campaigns. If a social change campaign or group isn’t growing, it’s declining! Beyond likes on Facebook or email signups, what are the ways you involve people in your campaign? How do you step folks up from supporter to volunteer and...
Sep 2, 2014 | Campaign Strategy, Data & Digital, Events, Media, Online Campaigning, Story-based Strategy, Training
Boost your capacity to tell the story of your campaign or advocacy project. Engage people in action, reach key stakeholders and translate words and ideas into impact. Effective Communication Techniques, the final unit of the Graduate Certificate of Community Advocacy...
Sep 2, 2014 | Featured, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Social Movement History, Workshop Reports
Karrina Nolan and Amelia Telford facilitated an excellent session for our August MCN. After the usual networking Karrina set the context that needs to be front of mind when working with Indigenous communities: Over 50% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...