May 7, 2012 | Book Review, Campaign Strategy, Theories of Change
Aidan Ricketts was in town last week to launch his new book The Activists’ Handbook. The launch was hosted by the Wilderness Society at Kindness House and included a presentation by Aidan on the fast growing and impressive movement to stop coal-seam gas. For...
Apr 16, 2012 | Campaign Strategy, Social Movement History, Theories of Change
Lately I’ve been thinking about frameworks for social change, and I’ve been intending to write about them here for some time. As always, it pays to start with research – and I see the good folks from Training for Change have already put together information on...
Dec 7, 2011 | Campaign Strategy, Case Study, Community Organising, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
The December Melbourne Campaigners Network gathered around 18 folks for reflection on 2011 and to consider the 100% Renewables campaign case study. The presenter, Andrew Bray, shares his slides and take home messages here. Thanks Andrew! 100% Renewables is a community...