Sep 18, 2017 | Community Organising, Diversity & Anti-Oppression Work, Engaging New Activists, Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building
How do we get woke and stay woke? This Melbourne Campaigners’ Network session looks at a key issue in organising: how do we become aware of oppression and motivated to do something about it, and how do we support others on the same path? Critical consciousness, or...
Jul 13, 2017 | Community Organising, Events, Training
This August Plan to Win presents Training for Action Group Trainers and collaborates with local trainers, organisers and campaigners to present the Brisbane Activist Skillshare. Participants at the 2016 Training for Activist Trainers. Training for Action Group...
Dec 11, 2016 | Book Review, Community Organising
What’s on your summer reading list? Joel Dignam whets our appetites with this review of Jane McAlevey’s ‘No Shortcuts: Organising for Power in the Gilded Age’. “Organising”, says Jane McAlevey, “is fundamentally about having hard conversations with people and...
Feb 23, 2016 | Community Organising, Facilitation, Group Process, Training
Holly Hammond and Karrina Nolan recently ran Training for Activist Trainers, a 2.5 day workshop focused on training skills for social movement contexts. During the workshop we talked about a continuum in training – from workshops which are participant driven...
Oct 26, 2015 | Campaign Strategy, Coalition Building, Community Organising, Data & Digital, Engaging New Activists, Events, Movement Building, Social Movement History, Theories of Change, Training
Enrolments are open for the 2016 Graduate Certificate in Community Advocacy – Australia’s most comprehensive social change qualification. This is an excellent opportunity for change agents to deepen their skills and knowledge through a unique accredited...
Jun 1, 2015 | Book Review, Campaign Strategy, Community Organising, Theories of Change
Holly Hammond and Sam La Rocca presented a workshop at Progress 2015, along with a video presentation from Daniel Hunter. The workshop explored Daniel’s metaphor ‘politicians are like a balloon tied to a rock’. This article from Holly and Sam captures the ideas shared...