Jun 18, 2014 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network
The 2014 Budget includes a massive attack on Australia’s welfare system and the people who access it. This is the latest, and perhaps most blatant, of numerous attacks over a number of decades. So, if we’ve been here before, what can we learn from past...
May 22, 2014 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building
Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to reschedule MCN: Indigenous Campaigns & Solidarity (to 14 August), BUT WAIT – we have a hot new topic ready to go!! The impacts of this budget are widespread, but how do we make the most of this opportunity to take...
Mar 24, 2014 | Community Organising, Data & Digital, Melbourne Campaigners' Network
Managing campaign data To win against the odds every contact matters. Every campaign needs more supporters, more people who are willing to step up and contribute, to volunteer, donate, become a member, and take action. But who exactly are you asking? Where are they,...
Feb 23, 2014 | Book Review, Coalition Building, Community Organising, Melbourne Campaigners' Network
In the lead up to our Melbourne Campaigners’ Network session on Building Effective Alliances, Denisse Sandoval shares insights from Amanda Tattersall’s book Power in Coalition: Strategies for Strong Unions and Social Change. Published in 2010 but still...
Feb 18, 2014 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building
Social change takes sustained collective effort – working together in alliances can increase power and bring needed resources to the struggle. But how do we get it together?! Anouska Teunen from Amnesty International Australia will share campaign stories and...
Jan 21, 2014 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Sustaining Activism
CANCELLED I’m sorry to say that we’ve decided to cancel Sunday’s events for the health and safety of us all! It’s expected the weather will be over 40 degrees and that seems incompatible with picnicking or setting healthy goals. We’re...