May 22, 2014 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building
Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to reschedule MCN: Indigenous Campaigns & Solidarity (to 14 August), BUT WAIT – we have a hot new topic ready to go!! The impacts of this budget are widespread, but how do we make the most of this opportunity to take...
Feb 18, 2014 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building
Social change takes sustained collective effort – working together in alliances can increase power and bring needed resources to the struggle. But how do we get it together?! Anouska Teunen from Amnesty International Australia will share campaign stories and...
Jul 24, 2013 | Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building, Workshop Reports
This June I had an amazing opportunity to be part of building the power and momentum of the global climate movement. I spent a fortnight in Istanbul working on’s Global Power Shift which gathered 500 climate activists from over 130 countries. The fortnight...
Jul 15, 2013 | Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building
Global Power Shift has been a significant part of Plan to Win’s work this year. Stay tuned for an update from Holly Hammond about her involvement in training campaigners at GPS – and come along on 25 July for a report-back by Melbourne participants. Here,...
Jun 11, 2013 | Case Study, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building, Workshop Reports
Last month’s Melbourne Campaigners’ Network was held on a grim rainy night but it was totally heartwarming! We shared stories of success – big or small, recent or distant. Activists are often so focused on problems. We’re used to battle and struggle. Unfortunately...
Dec 6, 2012 | Movement Building, Online Campaigning, Workshop Reports
FWD2012 was two days full of inspiration, information, and smart conversation. It also included one very hot Melbourne day which led to a crucial initiative I hope many other conferences imitate – icy-poles! It’s hard to believe that Australia has only just got around...