Jul 9, 2014 | Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Social Movement History
The Melbourne Campaigners’ Network event on Anti-Poverty Organising in Australia was a well attended energising and inspiring discussion, countering the doom and gloom of the latest attacks on the welfare system. The night included an overview of the history of...
Nov 19, 2013 | Campaign Strategy, Community Organising, Events, Social Movement History, Training
Holly Hammond, Director of Plan to Win, is excited to be working with the Chisholm Institute to develop and deliver the Graduate Certificate in Community Advocacy in 2014. This is an excellent opportunity for change agents to deepen their skills and knowledge through...
Apr 16, 2012 | Campaign Strategy, Social Movement History, Theories of Change
Lately I’ve been thinking about frameworks for social change, and I’ve been intending to write about them here for some time. As always, it pays to start with research – and I see the good folks from Training for Change have already put together information on...
Mar 8, 2012 | Art & Creativity, Social Movement History
Last week I travelled to Aotearoa at the invitation of the Kotare Trust, to facilitate a two day welfare justice workshop. While I was there I heard about the recent ‘Political Poster Art in Aotearoa’ exhibition – a great fit with the upcoming Art and Campaigning...
Feb 13, 2012 | Book Review, Community Organising, Social Movement History
Simon Copland reviews Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, the classic text on community organising. This is another review in our series on recommended reading for campaigners, community organisers, and other activists. What books have you learnt from, been challenged...
Jan 30, 2012 | Book Review, Social Movement History
Here’s another review in our series on recommended reading for campaigners, community organisers, and other activists. What books have you learnt from, been challenged by, found inspiring – and what would you recommend to others? Anne O’Brien reviews Ideas...