Jan 21, 2014 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Sustaining Activism
CANCELLED I’m sorry to say that we’ve decided to cancel Sunday’s events for the health and safety of us all! It’s expected the weather will be over 40 degrees and that seems incompatible with picnicking or setting healthy goals. We’re...
Apr 30, 2013 | Sustaining Activism
Plan to Win has launched a new project to promote the health and wellbeing of activists – Plan to Thrive. Plan to Thrive is a multi-author blog featuring articles, interviews, reviews and tips from contributors around the world. The first content on the...
Jan 21, 2013 | Sustaining Activism
Personal Goal-Setting for Activists My January so far has been all about goals and new year’s resolutions. I’ve started my own new regime for getting healthy and building resilience for another big year. I’m also supporting a number of folks to get clearer about their...
Jan 14, 2013 | Sustaining Activism
Activists face a lot of pressures that get in the way of living healthy balanced lives. When we’re focused on righting wrongs and winning change in the world our bodies and happiness can seem pretty low on the list of priorities. It’s seldom an overt...
Dec 7, 2012 | Sustaining Activism
Tips for Activists on Holiday Have you slogged your guts out all year? Just about ready to collapse? Here are some tips for getting the most out of your break. If taking leave isn’t an option for you, many of these are relevant for weekends or any captured moment for...
Nov 21, 2011 | Engaging New Activists, Featured, Sustaining Activism, Workshop Reports
I had a fun time at the Commonground Festival, enjoying the beautiful environment, lovely music and friendly folks. I also ran a short workshop on ‘Getting Started in Activism’. It was a great discussion and it made me think a lot about what it takes for people to get...