Dec 9, 2016 | Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Sustaining Activism, Workshop Reports
Do progressive organisations have a responsibility to live their values in their workplaces? Can campaigning organisations demand progressive change without demonstrating that we adhere to its basic values – treating people with dignity, people having the right to be...
Oct 14, 2014 | Community Organising, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
The October Melbourne Campaigners Network session focused on Stepping People Up: Pathways for strong campaigns. Naomi Blackburn, MCN co-convenor and Director of Power in Numbers, facilitated a well attended, thought provoking session. There was plenty of...
Sep 2, 2014 | Featured, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Social Movement History, Workshop Reports
Karrina Nolan and Amelia Telford facilitated an excellent session for our August MCN. After the usual networking Karrina set the context that needs to be front of mind when working with Indigenous communities: Over 50% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...
Mar 17, 2014 | Book Review, Campaign Strategy, Sydney Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
Learning from Daniel Hunter Anita Tang, Manager of the Policy & Advocacy Team at the Cancer Council NSW, reflects on meeting Daniel Hunter at the recent Sydney Campaigners’ Network event. She shares insights from his work which can contribute to strategic...
Jul 24, 2013 | Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building, Workshop Reports
This June I had an amazing opportunity to be part of building the power and momentum of the global climate movement. I spent a fortnight in Istanbul working on’s Global Power Shift which gathered 500 climate activists from over 130 countries. The fortnight...
Jun 11, 2013 | Case Study, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Movement Building, Workshop Reports
Last month’s Melbourne Campaigners’ Network was held on a grim rainy night but it was totally heartwarming! We shared stories of success – big or small, recent or distant. Activists are often so focused on problems. We’re used to battle and struggle. Unfortunately...