Jul 4, 2012 | Resources, Training, Workshop Reports
The Effective Action Training Day at Ross House on Saturday 30 June went off! Thanks so much to Sarah Day and the other Ross House folks for organising such an informative and engaging day. I ran an Introduction to Campaigning workshop, and was pleased to be part of...
Jul 4, 2012 | Community Organising, Featured, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
June’s Melbourne Campaigners’ Network focused on building strong attendance at rallies and other actions. There was participation from a diverse group of campaigners – an even split between workers’ rights, social justice and environmental/animal rights activists. The...
May 21, 2012 | Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Theories of Change, Workshop Reports
Our last Melbourne Campaigners’ Network was on Theories of Change, ably facilitated by Naomi Blackburn. The topic was a great discussion starter, very relevant to anybody seeking to make change in the world. It was especially good to see folks from a mix of...
Mar 22, 2012 | Art & Creativity, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
The Art and Campaigning forum went off! The forum was presented by the Melbourne Campaigners’ Network, in collaboration with Arena Project Space, on the evening of Thursday 15 March. The topic sparked interest near and far, so hopefully there will be similar forums...
Feb 20, 2012 | Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
The Melbourne Campaigners’ Network gathering in February included updates from nine campaigns. It was a good opportunity to get a sense of what is coming up in the year ahead, and the different approaches campaigners are taking. Small group discussions included...
Dec 7, 2011 | Campaign Strategy, Case Study, Community Organising, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
The December Melbourne Campaigners Network gathered around 18 folks for reflection on 2011 and to consider the 100% Renewables campaign case study. The presenter, Andrew Bray, shares his slides and take home messages here. Thanks Andrew! 100% Renewables is a community...