Hello! Welcome to Plan to Win, a new organisation to promote social movement learning in Melbourne, and beyond. This project takes a number of forms:
- working with campaigns, groups and organisations to build skills and develop winning plans;
- mentoring individual campaigners, activists and organisers;
- convening the Melbourne Campaigners’ Network so we can learn together and build activist community;
- longer public workshops on a range of topics; and
- an online presence through this blog, Twitter and Facebook, to spread useful resources and engage in discussion.
The main purpose of all of these activities is increase the power of social movements and the effectiveness of people working within them.
This is a shared project and you’re welcome to get involved. Do you have skills to contribute or bright ideas to share? Get in touch if you would like to speak at a Melbourne Campaigners’ Network event, collaborate on a training, do some facilitating, or write an article for this blog.
For the sake of people and the planet, campaigns for social and ecological justice need to win. Plan to Win is committed to assisting people who have a vision for a better future to get organised, get connected, get skilled up and resilient – and make their dreams a reality.
Holly Hammond
Founder and Director, Plan to Win