Woot! Plan to Win’s sibling project Plan to Thrive is one year old.


Plan to Thrive is a shared blog with multiple contributors, convened by Holly Hammond (Director of PTW) and Helen Cox. In the first year 42 posts on the topic of activist health and wellbeing have been shared. Plan to Thrive started out as a small spin-off from Plan to Win but has grown to be another thriving project in its own right.

Plan to Thrive is a collective project that seeks to nurture a life affirming and supportive culture of activism. It aims to

  • prompt reflection and support decisions by individual activists,
  • spark conversations amongst activists, and
  • influence behaviours in organisations and on campaigns.

Holly Hammond regularly writes on Plan to Thrive. Here are some of her articles:

Check out all the other contributors here.

Want to join in? Plan to Thrive welcomes all sorts of writing on the theme of activist health and wellbeing and is looking for volunteers and champions to spread the word. Get in touch here.