Feb 5, 2019 | Events, Facilitation, Training
10am-5pm, Wednesday 6 March 2019 in Carlton, Victoria. A one-day refresher for social movement trainers. Trainers play an important role in campaigns for social and ecological justice, equipping people to act powerfully together. As we hurtle towards a federal...
Dec 5, 2018 | Events, Group Process, Leadership
Plan to Win invites social movement leaders to take a big leap forward in your development in 2019. Six participants will meet regularly to learn and grow together. Each participant will receive focused group and one-to-one coaching to: Reduce barriers to the...
Sep 4, 2018 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Social Movement History, Theories of Change
How does change come about? How can diverse social movement actors work together to move things forward? This Melbourne Campaigners’ Network session will be a reportback from Ecology of Social Movements, a 2 week course at the Ulex Centre attended by Holly...
Sep 4, 2018 | Events, Group Process, Sustaining Activism, Training, Uncategorized
Whether you’re working towards the Victorian state election, federal election (whenever that might be!), or your own crucial campaign timelines it’s important to invest in people to build power. Plan to Win has three offerings to help your team function...
Jul 4, 2018 | Events, Facilitation, Training
Holly Hammond from Plan to Win is working with the Ulex Project to gather activist educators from around the world to meet and learn together, 13 – 21 July 2019. Activist educators play a valuable role in social movements, increasing the capacity for effective social...
Apr 10, 2018 | Community Organising, Events, Leadership
From March to May Plan to Win is running the Organising to Win course. A maximum of 5 additional participants are invited to join the OTW cohort for the May workshop – sign up by 27 April. Organising is being increasingly embraced by many groups working for...