Sep 4, 2018 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Social Movement History, Theories of Change
How does change come about? How can diverse social movement actors work together to move things forward? This Melbourne Campaigners’ Network session will be a reportback from Ecology of Social Movements, a 2 week course at the Ulex Centre attended by Holly...
Jan 25, 2018 | Community Organising, Events, Leadership, Theories of Change, Training
Organising to Win is a training course for organisers delivered over two weekend workshops and one midpoint evening session. An accessible training course for organisers in a range of social movements. Organising to Win will equip you with foundational knowledge and...
Oct 26, 2015 | Campaign Strategy, Coalition Building, Community Organising, Data & Digital, Engaging New Activists, Events, Movement Building, Social Movement History, Theories of Change, Training
Enrolments are open for the 2016 Graduate Certificate in Community Advocacy – Australia’s most comprehensive social change qualification. This is an excellent opportunity for change agents to deepen their skills and knowledge through a unique accredited...
Jun 1, 2015 | Book Review, Campaign Strategy, Community Organising, Theories of Change
Holly Hammond and Sam La Rocca presented a workshop at Progress 2015, along with a video presentation from Daniel Hunter. The workshop explored Daniel’s metaphor ‘politicians are like a balloon tied to a rock’. This article from Holly and Sam captures the ideas shared...
May 8, 2015 | Book Review, Campaign Strategy, Community Organising, Featured, Theories of Change
On 7 May Holly Hammond and Sam La Rocca presented a workshop at Progress 2015, featuring Daniel Hunter via a video presentation. The workshop was very well attended (150 plus folks – thanks for coming out!) and the discussion, though brief, was rich....
Nov 27, 2014 | Campaign Strategy, Coalition Building, Community Organising, Data & Digital, Engaging New Activists, Events, Movement Building, Social Movement History, Theories of Change, Training
Enrolments are open for the 2015 Graduate Certificate in Community Advocacy – Australia’s most comprehensive social change qualification. This is an excellent opportunity for change agents to deepen their skills and knowledge through a unique accredited...