May 8, 2015 | Book Review, Campaign Strategy, Community Organising, Featured, Theories of Change
On 7 May Holly Hammond and Sam La Rocca presented a workshop at Progress 2015, featuring Daniel Hunter via a video presentation. The workshop was very well attended (150 plus folks – thanks for coming out!) and the discussion, though brief, was rich....
Sep 2, 2014 | Featured, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Social Movement History, Workshop Reports
Karrina Nolan and Amelia Telford facilitated an excellent session for our August MCN. After the usual networking Karrina set the context that needs to be front of mind when working with Indigenous communities: Over 50% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...
Feb 11, 2014 | Community Organising, Featured
Community organising is a term that is being used more and more in Australian social movements – but what does it really mean? Here’s a brief introduction to some of the key principles. Community organising builds power through gathering people with...
Jan 30, 2013 | Facilitation, Featured, Group Process
Do you spend a lot of your life in meetings? Or does it just feel like it?! Meetings are a big part of working collectively but too often… they suck. One of the things that motivated me to become an activist educator and facilitator was frustration with boring...
Oct 15, 2012 | Campaign Strategy, Featured, Gender
Wow, everyone is talking about sexism these days, right? It’s suddenly popped on the agenda as if it never existed before, or as though everyone got too numb and sleepy about it, and then along came a big bucket of cold water to wake us up. For those folks who’ve been...
Aug 15, 2012 | Featured, Media, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
Last Thursday’s Melbourne Campaigners’ Network event focused on the Future of Media – the ways the media is changing, and the impact on campaigns. One of the best aspects of the session was hearing from two sides of the issues: a journalist’s and a campaigner’s...