Mar 7, 2013 | Case Study, Community Organising, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Workshop Reports
Learning from US election campaigning is like eating a meal in a US diner – you have to pick out the good bits from the parts you just can’t stomach. So, yes to effective field organising and no to a political system corrupted by colossal amounts of money. Yes to...
Feb 26, 2013 | Art & Creativity, Theories of Change
“Humour is essential to a successful tactician, for the most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule.” Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals In January I was asked by New Tactics in Human Rights to be a conversation leader in their international online...
Feb 15, 2013 | Case Study, Community Organising, Melbourne Campaigners' Network, Online Campaigning
Australians can learn a lot from the US – like the perils of an unregulated market, how not to set up a health system, and what happens if you consume a lot of high fructose corn syrup. The US is also a rich source of social movement innovation. As an activist...
Feb 5, 2013 | Events, Melbourne Campaigners' Network
Join us for ‘show and tell’ from Melbourne folks who went to the US to work on campaigns during the election. Presenters including Victoria McKenzie-McHarg, Lucy Manne and Alex White will share stories, pictures, insights… and maybe some Oreos....
Jan 30, 2013 | Facilitation, Featured, Group Process
Do you spend a lot of your life in meetings? Or does it just feel like it?! Meetings are a big part of working collectively but too often… they suck. One of the things that motivated me to become an activist educator and facilitator was frustration with boring...